What’s Your Type? The New Question to Ask in Social Situations


Human-Design-logoI am fairly certain that most of you have had the question, “What’s Your Sign,” asked of you at a party or in other social situations. It is one of the ways in which we start conversations or get to know one another. Well, today I want to share with you a new question, based on a new astrology called Human Design: “What’s your type?”

Janet Hickox is an astrologer, Human Design coach, and host of Living Astrology Radio on BlogTalk Radio.

Janet Hickox is an astrologer, Human Design coach, and host of Living Astrology Radio on BlogTalk Radio.

Instead of the 12 zodiac signs that Western and Eastern astrology is based on, Human Design is based on five personality types.  They are: the Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Projector, and Reflector. The type is sort of like your personal operating system. Your type describes how to best use your creative energy for success and how to experience the fullest power and potential of who you are.

Each type also has a unique strategy to help in utilizing the energy of the type to its best effect. Your type’s strategy defines a specific way of behaving and making decisions which are authentic and true for your design. Knowing your type and consciously working with your strategy can be empowering and fulfilling.

The five types are not distributed evenly throughout the population. In fact, two of the types – the Generator and the Manifesting Generator – together make up approximately 70% of the population. These two types are the people who are designed to be the “worker bees” as they have access to a tremendous source of sustainable life force energy.

The second most numerous type is the Projector. They make up approximately 20-22% of the population. These are your leaders, managers, chairpersons, as they have inherent wisdom and insight into people. 

Manifestors make up 8-9% of the population.  These people are the initiators of things – they get the ball rolling – but they are not designed to complete everything they start. 

Reflectors are the rarest of individuals on the planet making up less than 1% of the population. They are unique and very sensitive people, and they must be in the right place with the right people to be truly happy.

Below is a quick description of the five types.  Can you guess which one you are?  If you would like to get a free copy of your own Human Design chart, you can go to my website, www.living-astrology.com and request one. 


Manifestors are the creators and initiators.  They are truly the only type designed to go out into the world and “just do it.” The other types must either wait to respond or wait for an invitation to act. Manifestors have access to tremendous creative and initiating energy, yet they do not have access to sustainable energy, and so completing projects can be challenging for them. Manifestors are most successful in the world when they are informing the people who are effected by their decisions before they act.

Strategy:  To inform before taking action.

Keywords: Energetic, powerful, successful, impulsive, not a team player, anger.

Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are the consummate multitaskers and have sustainable life force or work force energy. However, Manifesting Generators work fast and do things quickly and are designed to find the shortcuts to completing any task. They form a type of hybrid between Manifestors and Generators. Manifesting Generators must also practice response to the outer world instead of purely initiating action.  It serves them as well to inform those affected by their decisions before taking action.

Strategy: Respond, envision, inform, and then act.  

Keywords:  Energetic, self-aware, multi-tasking, impatient, anger and frustration, skip important steps.


Generators have access to tremendous sustainable life force or work force energy, consequently they are designed to work and are the “doers” in Human Design.  However, the work that they do cannot be just any kind of work.  They must find their right work, what they are passionate about, and their aim is to master whatever it is they are working on in this life. Generators find the most success in life when they are acting in response to opportunities in their outer world and not from ideas or inspiration coming from within them.

Strategy: Wait to respond.   

Keywords: Energetic, masters of their craft/work, self-aware, frustration, quit too soon, can feel stuck.  


Projectors are gifted managers, leaders, and guides. Projectors do not have access to sustainable life force energy, so they are not designed to work in the world like Generators or Manifesting Generators. Although they may be conditioned to believe that they are supposed to work as the Generator types, and indeed can do so for short periods of times, Projectors simply do not have the stamina to do work that way and can do damage to their physical bodies and spirits by doing so. Projectors are also designed to enter into the big things in life (relationships, jobs, relocations) through invitation. Through the process of being invited, Projectors are guided into the right conditions to excel as the natural leaders and creators they are.

Strategy: Wait for an invitation.  

Keywords: Leadership, intuitive, insightful, susceptible to burn out, can be perceived by others as lazy, bitterness​.


Reflectors reflect the general health of the communities they are a part of.  They are very sensitive and unique individuals who care deeply about peace and prosperity for humanity. Reflectors have no inner authority and must wait a full cycle of the moon, 28 days, in order to make good decisions. During this time, they are talking to people and getting their opinions and input as a Reflector can only see the truth when reflected through others. Ideally a Reflector would be a part of every community to help guide us into healthy and supportive decisions.

Strategy: Wait for 28 days or a full cycle of the moon.  

Keywords: Sensitive, passionate, unique, clingy, inconsistent, disappointment.

In next month’s column we’ll take a closer look at strategy with examples of how each type can use their strategy for success.


About Author

Janet Hickox is a Human Design Consultant, Intuitive Astrologer, and Host of Living Astrology & Empower YOU on TV and Radio. Janet believes that by tapping into the wisdom of the cosmos people can be uplifted, empowered and enlightened to live their personal genius. She specializes in readings that inspire individuals to live their authentic lives. The best way to know what type you are is to get your own personal Human Design Chart done, and there are several places you can get the chart for free. Janet's website, www.living-astrology.com has a request for a free Human Design chart on the homepage. You can also get one at Jovian Archive, or at www.humandesignforeveryone.com. Janet can be reached at 360-399-1122.

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