Where’s Your Courage?


They say that growing old ain’t for sissies; but I say that living in today’s world ain’t for sissies. You must have courage to make it in today’s energy field. There’s so much unrest that the energies fluctuate wildly and frequently. If you’re not grounded into your life with courageousness, you can be blown around like the fluff from cottonwood trees.

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, publisher of New Spirit Journal, and host of “Keeping It Real.”

Being courageous means being clear on your beliefs and standards of living and being willing to stick with them no matter what’s going on around you. The way to do this is to first be clear about what you believe and, second, stick to your beliefs even when they (or you) are under fire.

Watch yourself this week and see if situations arise where you’re tempted to act in contradiction to your core beliefs. If it happens, don’t beat yourself up. Just notice what prompted you to act (or not act) the way you did and be determined it won’t happen again. This is being courageous: being determined and following through on it.


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit anoasisforyoursoul.com .

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