The Higher Purpose of Anger and How to Do It


angerLately I’ve read about biocomputers: people who are half-human and half-computer. This possibility scares me because of the potential it holds for control of the masses. Us. We the people.

As if we aren’t zombiefied enough already and easy to control with drugs such as antidepressants, marijuana, and of course the time-honored alcohol. Who can be bothered with getting angry and upset about wrongs being done to ourselves, to others, even to the planet, when it’s so much more pleasant to just take a pill, a toke, a drink, and numb the anger.

When anger isn’t released or dealt with, it becomes depression. Depression is anger turned inward, anger that is being held inside and not released because of fear; fear of repercussions incurred from releasing the power of one’s anger. And so the answer most often opted for is taking a drug of some sort to stop the angry feelings.

However anger, as I’m so fond of saying, has a majorly important purpose. That purpose is to give energy to the person who is feeling the anger so they’ll fix the thing that’s causing them to be angry.

Instead, people who are angry try to withhold their anger and in doing so become depressed. Then they take a pill to make the depression go away. But they’re still angry deep inside.

Modern Methods for Suppressing Anger

Antidepressants don’t cure depression. Instead the drug chemically reverses the feeling of depression. Or so goes the theory.

Antidepressants, like so many of the drugs that people like to take nowadays, simply cover up and suppress the symptoms of the problem. They don’t cure anything. If a person on antidepressants stops taking the pills then – voila! – the problem reappears. The original anger is still there, along with the depression it caused.

So now we have yet another drug to suppress anger. Marijuana is now legal for “recreational” purposes. Now people have another way to get stoned, to not feel emotions that are uncomfortable, like anger.

Those people who never do drugs and rely on prayer or meditation to calm their feelings of anger and depression are also ignoring the power within them called anger.

It’s impossible for anyone to go through any day on this planet and not see or hear something that angers or offends. Something that isn’t right and is harming another. Chanting, praying, and meditating may make a person feel good for a short time, but it doesn’t make the problem go away.

The Subconscious

Here’s how the subconscious comes into play on this subject. 90% of your thoughts are looped, repetitive thoughts from the subconscious.

So there you are, with your own thoughts which are looping over and over, telling you the same things about yourself and your life.

What that’s you say? You don’t like it? Does it make you feel angry? Ouch! Then go ahead: stuff a pill down your throat, take a toke on that joint, or have another drink. Anything so that you don’t have to feel that uncomfortable emotion of anger. Nevermind that the thoughts are still there. And so is the situation that’s causing them.

Want to change the subconscious looping of these thoughts? Change your life. Speak up for yourself. Do it just one time and you’ll feel the power of it deep within you. As you become more confident and speak your truth again and more often, you change the programming in your subconscious.

Your Inner World and Your Outer World

Everyone lives in two worlds: the inner world and the outer. These two worlds are connected and affect each other directly. What you see and experience in the outer world causes you to feel an emotion in your inner world. If it causes you to feel anger, don’t ignore the situation. Do something about it. You’ll find inner peace coming to you as a result of your actions.

Anger held within, for any reason, will always find a way to come out and show itself. It may be expressed as a nervous breakdown, depression, or other emotional issues. Or it may manifest as a physical disease such as cancer, heart problems, and digestive disorders.

Let your anger show you the way to bettering your world. As you do so, you’ll find true inner peace, knowing that you are correcting that which needs correcting, healing that which needs healing.

Or you can take a pill, smoke a doobie, have another drink, chant, pray, and meditate. But hiding from the problem by use of these methods to calm and suppress your anger won’t make it go away. It’s still there within you. And it will make itself known to you as a disorder, either physical or emotional.

Only acting on the issue that created it will release and dissipate the anger it causes within you.

How to Release Your Anger Easily and Appropriately

If you’ve been suppressing your anger for years, you’re probably an expert at it. Identifying what makes you angry so that you can release that anger is something you’re less expert doing and can be a challenge for you.

So I’m providing an exercise here that you can play with to help you identify and release those hidden angers within you. After you’ve identified each one – oh yes, there will probably be more than one – you’ll find ways to use your anger for its highest and intended purpose. Answer the questions below as quickly as you can. You may wish to write them down and review them for added clarity.

If I were to get angry:

  • How would I do it?
  • What would it feel like?
  • Where would I feel it?
  • What would it make me want to do?
  • How could I use this energy to make the issue better;  to correct or heal it?

Use the power of your anger to guide you and assist you in taking actions that make your world a better place.


About Author

Kathy Wilson is a noted spiritual teacher and mentor, Certified Professional Coach, Reiki Master, Advanced PSYCH-K Practitioner, Yang Tai Chi Instructor, co-creator of The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, and author of many books and articles. To discover more about Kathy and the products and services she offers, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website: .

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