Step Into Nature


book-step-into-natureStep Into Nature
Nurturing Imagination and Spirit in Everyday Life

by Patrice Vecchione
Beyond Words

This is one of those books you do rather than read. Filled with poetic feeling and thoughtful questions, the author re-introduces us to the natural world. She helps us find solace, joy, and meaning in the smallest tidbit nature puts in our path.

Many times we think we have to take a road trip to experience the fullness of life nature offers. Not so. We are encouraged to commune with the simplest of natural things, even the little grasses and flowers growing in the sidewalk.

This would be a fabulous book to share with children to help them remember and treasure their  innate ability to understand and be with the natural world. The exercises given in the Cabinet of Curiosities are especially thought-provoking as well as fun.


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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