Find the Crochet Hook in Your Life


crochet-hooksWhen I was child, when I wasn’t reading a book or playing the piano, I was crocheting, tatting, embroidering, doing some sort of science experiment or playing with the many animals we had. Recently, I was suddenly inspired to start crocheting again. YouTube and Craftsy classes to the rescue helped me remember how to crochet and to teach me new ways to enjoy the craft.

Krysta Gibson

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, and publisher of New Spirit Journal.

I have an old cedar sewing box that my Dad made for my Mom. I use it to hold thread, scissors, and needles and pull it out when I need to sew on a button or mend a hem. The other day, I had opened the box to get a needle and thread when all of a sudden I saw some ancient metal crochet hooks nestled in the bottom of the box. I had not noticed them being there for the last 20 some odd years since my mother died.

I was immediately struck with a profound lesson I want to share with you today.

We see what we need to see when the time is right for us to see it.

Those crochet hooks have been there all the time. I didn’t notice them until crochet hooks were in my field of awareness. What does this mean?

By enlarging our field of awareness and our receptivity, we will see more, experience more, and become more than when our field of awareness remains small and localized.

Look more deeply at life. Open your mind to any and all possibilities. Release yourself from the “I can’t” syndrome and become aware of the “I cans” in your life. Every day, tell God, the Universe, your angels and guides that you want to see, truly see, every possibility that is there for you in your life. Then stand back and watch for the crochet hooks to show up in your life. When they do, treasure them, use them, and share them. Remember: anything is possible!



About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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